Monday, January 29, 2018

A New Visitor at the Fountain

My morning has become a welcoming time for the familiar visitors that come to the fountain like clockwork. But today there was a surprise visitor that almost made me spill my coffee! LOL, eager to get a shot of the new visitor, I couldn't get to my camera fast enough. As I clicked away I could see he was really cautious but curious to check out the birdbath/fountain.

Quickly grabbing my camera, I found myself whispering to the new visitor, please stay a few more minutes. He approaches the fountain slowly and cautiously. It appears to be a Hermit Thrush!

Back view.

He is looking at the fountain. Really wants to check it out but he is a little timid.

He is looking towards me. I wonder if he can see me through the glass door?

Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus measures 6.75 inches long with a wingspan of 11.5 inches.
He wants to get wet but is wary of this man-made structure.

"Are you watching me"?

Nice side view. I would guess that he is quite young.
Close-up of this handsome little thrush.
He is trying to hide but I can tell he is testing the water.

Walks back to the north side of the fountain.

He is wanting to touch the water but can't figure out how to bathe in this little fountain.

He gives up for now and lands on a nearby branch.

These birds appear to freeze in place. They don't twitch or bob their tail. They just stand there. Nice pose.
Frozen in place. Maybe that is his defensive stance. Standing real still like a statue you wouldn't spot him as easily as a nervous twitchy bird.

One last shot as he opens his wings for flight. Hope he comes back soon.

As I was busy looking at the thrush, another first time visitor comes to the fountain. This time it's a female Anna's Hummingbird.

She is really enjoying her bath!

Anna's Hummingbird, Calypte anna measures 4 inches long with a wingspan of 5.25 inches.

Cute little hummer.
She is perched at the edge where the water overflows to the second level. She sinks down to let the water wash through getting her belly wet.

Splashing water with her wings.

You can see the water spray as she shakes it off.

Gets a little spooked and takes flight, hovering above the fountain.

She hovers but does not leave.

The fountain is too inviting, she settles back on the edge.
A few more dips and she appears to be done.
Off she goes.

She lingers a moment as if to say she loves the fountain and will be back soon.
Have a wonderful week everyone!


  1. Hermit thrushes are so shy- nice to see the great photos!

    1. Thanks Winnie for your comment. He is such a sweetie :)

  2. sweet seeing them!

    1. They really are wonderful visitors. I love my fountain!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love Hermit Thrushes! May I ask what kind of fountain that is? I've wanted one in my small back yard for years and the one you have seems just perfect.

    1. Hi Christina, I can't remember the name of the company but will go to Anderson's La Costa Nursery to get some info for you and will post it soon.

    2. Hi Christina, the company that makes the fountain is called "Campania". Good luck with your fountain.
