Thursday, January 4, 2018

Welcoming the New Year 2018!

It seems like most of my family and friends are sick with the flu. Even the ones that have gotten the flu shots are just as sick. I am also fighting the flu with the typical fuzzy head, runny nose, scratchy throat and coughing. Spending time resting and drinking lots of hot tea has been my routine. While sitting at the dining room table with a cup of hot tea, I spot a beautiful Townsend's Warbler at the fountain. Grabbing my camera, I had a wonderful morning of birding through the sliding glass door. Watching this wonderful warbler at my fountain is a great way to boost my mood and enthusiasm for birding. Hope all of you are healthy and enjoying the start of a wonderful New Year!

A Townsend's Warbler at my fountain gets my attention. Townsend's Warbler, Setophaga townsendi  measures 5 inches long with a wingspan of 8 inches. 

He is really adorable and has a wonderful personality that shines through in these photos below. He visits every day and appears to be very comfortable on my patio.



A  few feet away from my little bird bath/fountain, I have my collection of orchids. This is the first year that I have orchids outdoors. They are doing great even though the temperature has been in the low forties at night.

The Townsend's Warbler is kind enough to check for insects. He has done a great job of keeping them clean of insects.

It's 2018 already and I know it's going to be a super year! To all my wonderful friends that visit this blog, have a great weekend and stay healthy!

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