Friday, May 28, 2021

House Wrens : part 3


This weekend is Memorial weekend. We will never forget our brave men and women that paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our Great Country. Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!
Every day as I watch the House Wrens, I am getting attached to these two wonderful birds. They are doing a great job getting a lot of the insects out of my garden. If you don't like spiders I suggest you provide some birdhouses for these wonderful wrens. They are constantly bringing spiders to the nestlings. 
The other day I got a shot of the two parents arriving at the birdhouse at the same time with prey. What happened was fun to watch and I wanted to share it with you. 
Next, I got some shots this morning of the nestlings coming close to the opening. It was great to see them begging for food and they appeared healthy. Soon they will be fledglings.
Here is what happens when both of the wren parents come to the nest house at the same time! These are the sequence showing mom and dad as they land on the roof of the birdhouse at the same time.






































Today   5-28-21























Have a wonderful Memorial weekend everyone!



  1. What a delightful experience to see nature at it's finest. The cool thing is you captured it all on camera. Good job Jo.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Wishing you a great Memorial weekend!
