Thursday, August 18, 2022

Leucistic Eurasian Collared-Dove 2022

Sitting on the deck overlooking my front yard, I spot a very white appearing Eurasian Collared-Dove perched in my neighbors ficus tree. I hurry and grab my camera to get a few shots of this Leucistic appearing dove. Soon he is joined by his mate and I get some very sweet shots of them together. To read more on Leucistic condition please go to my blog on May 2, 2019 As I was taking these photos I noticed a Cooper's Hawk not too far on a telephone pole watching his surroundings. I have to tell you that a few days after I took these sweet photos of the pair of doves, the leucistic one was seen by himself. I had seen a pile of dove feathers under the ficus tree and wondered if it could of been the mate.
Have a wonderful day everyone!