Thursday, May 2, 2019

Leucistic or Hybrid Eurasian Collared-Dove?

Getting ready to go to Flintkote Avenue in Sorrento Valley here in San Diego to look for a pair of rare Calliope Hummingbirds. As I started to pack my camera case, I noticed two large doves in my yard. These were not your common Mourning Doves but the larger Eurasian Collared-Doves. One of the doves had an unusual coloring. It was mostly white with splotches of brown. Please take a look and see if you think he is a leucistic or a hybrid.

Here are some shots of what I believed to be a "leucistic" Eurasian Collared- Dove.

Leucistic (according to Wikipedia) is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale or patchy coloration of skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticles but not the eyes. It is occasionally spelled leukism. 
What is a leucistic bird? According to Wikipedia, it is an abnormal condition of reduced pigmentation marked by overall pale color or patched or reduced coloring and is caused by a genetic mutation which inhibits melanin and other pigments from being deposited in feathers. 
Eurasian Collared-Dove, Streptopelia decaocto measures 13 inches long with a wingspan of 22 inches. 

A look at the underwing.

Close-up look of the front.
He is a beauty.

A normal colored Eurasian Collared-Dove is shown below in this photo. 

I noticed that this leucistic dove follows the other dove and now he is ready to fly after his friend. 

One last shot before he flies off.  Note: I searched and searched for the elusive Calliope Hummingbirds at Flintkote Ave. but did not spot one. Maybe next time. 

Have a wonderful week everyone!


  1. Interesting photo. You have correctly ascertained the variation in this dove as leucism. I have noticed paler, almost white, Eurasian-collared Doves fairly frequently (1 out of 200 birds?). Last week I noted one with white wings. I have never seen such a pied one before. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Greg for your comments and letting me know that I have ID this bird correctly. This was my first encounter with a leucistic Eurasian Collared-Dove. I feel lucky to have photographed a beautiful leucistic Osprey a few years back! LOL, I called her Leucy :)
      PS..FYI just came back from checking on the Osprey nest in Del Mar and the young Ospreys have fledged but still at nest! See you out birding.

    2. Not sure if you still blog here Jo. I really like your dove pictures. Last year I had one that had bright white splotches all over it here in NM. I was able to some pretty good pictures. Just today I had 2 show up that looked like twins with the white splotches. Unfortunately, my dogs started barking when I grabbed for my camera. Hopefully they will return. I'm thankful for the info on why they have the white feathers.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I came across your blog googling unusual colored EUCD because I had one in the backyard this evening. Is there a way to attach a picture of it to see if you can ID it for me as leucistic or not? Thank you.

  4. Hi there! Eve here... Do you have some way to post the photo online and drop Jo a link here? Or perhaps an eBird report with the photo included?
