Sunday, May 14, 2017

Black-chinned Hummingbird at Flintkote

A few more shots of the beautiful Black-chinned Hummingbird at the Flintkote Ave trail at Torrey Pines State Reserve.

I wonder if birds get to know you and recognize one human from another? The Black-chinned Hummingbird at Flintkote Ave appears to be comfortable with my presence and the camera noise. Here is a shot of the hummer napping as I approach his branch just past the main gate near the cactus plant. 

He wakes to the sound of my camera. Takes a look at who is coming way too close to his branch. And gives me a look as if to say, "Oh, it's you again!"

Decides he is thirsty after a good nap.
Flies to the orange nasturtium flowers.

Here are some shots of this cutie as he flies around his precious flower patch.

See the bold white collar and strong straight demarcation of the line between his dark chin with flashy gorget and the white collar?  That's one way to recognize this beautiful and uncommon San Diego summer resident.  And of course, if you're lucky enough to see that purple flash...

Feeling delighted that the little hummer has let me get close enough for a few flight shots, I start to back away to leave. He pauses and looks.

LOL... I would like to think this was a good-bye wave. Hope he stays safe and I will get to see him again soon.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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