To my delight the fountain has brought me lot of birding
and photography opportunities. This morning may turn out to be extra special. I
spotted a bird that looked slightly different. He followed an Orange-crowned
Warbler to the fountain. The difference in the two birds was very subtle but
the eyering was what caught my attention.
A dull and overcast morning, I looked
at the low shutter speed on my camera and wished that the sun would come out so it could be
adjusted faster. All of a sudden an Orange-crowned Warbler flew to the fountain
and he is followed by another bird that looked almost the same in size and
color. The new visitor had a lighter yellow on the belly and a white eyering...
it wasn't broken as on the Orange-crowned Warbler! Here is the new
visitor on the right of the photo. The Orange-crowned (left) is very upset that he
is nearby.
Sorry it's blurry! But I barely had time to focus as he
only stayed a few seconds. I wanted to get all of the angles possible for a better
The Orange-crowned Warbler (left) is really upset that the new visitor is on his fountain.
Another close-up of the front. Could this be a Nashville
Warbler? If it is... this is a life bird for me!
The new visitor wants to use the fountain but the
Orange-crowned threatens him. I keep snapping away hoping to capture all angles
before he flies.
Finally I get a better focus and we can clearly see the
eyering. The new bird is just a little bit smaller than the Orange crown.
Warbler, Oreothlypis ruficapilla, measures 4.75 inches
long with a wingspan of 7.5 inches. Could this be a young female with greenish
wings and pale yellow throat and breast?
A close-up side view. Gray head and yellow undertail coverts. I am hoping
one of our experts will be able to let me know if I am looking at a "life bird"
Nashville Warbler.
One last close-up of the gray head. The eyering is
definitely connected all the way around. So what do you think? Is this a "life bird" for me
visiting the fountain?
1-31-2018 Update: Great news! I just received confirmation from Greg Gillson that this beauty indeed is a Nashville Warbler! Thanks again Greg for your help.
A few shots of the Nashville Warbler in the fountain.
Another view. A look at her wings.
A House Finch flies in and threatens.
One last look before he is chased off.

Have a super week everyone!